
Fast and flexible blog theme developed for WordPress.

  • UI/UX
  • Front-End
  • Back-End


Users can quickly create their pages and start broadcasting thanks to the advanced management panel. The theme is developed without using any plugins and by having an utmost performance being a point of attention.


  • Client :Spock
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Project Brief


Instagram and Social Media Integration

Thanks to the social media integration, users are able to display the photos of their Instagram accounts and the number of followers they have on social media accounts on their websites. While developing the relevant modules, attention was paid to the caching system in terms of performance.

Instagram and Social Media Integration
Instagram and Social Media Integration
Gallery Modules

Gallery Modules

The aim of the developed video and photo gallery modules is for users toto target an easy and fast way of creating galleries.

Advanced Post Types

Users are provided with an opportunity to create content in a variety of formats with the advanced post types and designs based on them.

  1. Video Format
  2. Gallery Format
  3. Quote Format
  4. Audio Format
Advanced Post Types

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